Our Team

Meet the amazing people behind Spice Market New York.

Feel free to contact our editorial and support team for your queries. You can also check our editorial guidelines if you want to contribute and showcase your talent in writing blogs about lifestyle and day-to-day living in New York.

Deena Crawford


Deena Crawford

Deena is the editor-in-chief of Spice Market New York. She is also an author and publisher of her own craft.

Cecilia Solomon

Cecilia Solomon


She is one of the amazing people in the company. She is in charge of all the admin work as well as human resources.

Melissa Holton

Melissa Holton

Content Writer

Melissa is a creative person who puts her everything into doing her job. No wonder she can write amazing contents that really help people in their daily living.

Leonardo Hopper

Content Editor

He is responsible for the quality of the contents of Spice Market New York. He makes sure that we release fresh and accurate articles on a regular basis.

Vernon Alford

Community Manager

Vernon works in the community as a devoted Community Manager. He is the first resource of the company when it comes to culture and recreation matters.