Unique Ideas To Spice Up Your Festive Parties This Season

Unique Ideas To Spice Up Your Festive Parties This Season

After the virtual events during last year’s festive season, this year promises to get the excitement back. But at-home events continue to be a better option as the virus is still around. It makes sense to organize small get-togethers to ring in the festivities so that you can avoid crowds and cut your risk. But these parties need not be bland and boring. All you need is a little creativity to make them as exciting and happening as you want them to be. Here are some unique ideas you can try to spice up your festive parties this season.

Pick a theme

A theme gathering is a good start because your guests will have something to look forward to. Think beyond the conventional ones like retro, Hollywood, and potluck themes. Try something different this season. You can ask the guests to dress up like sci-fi characters and match your decor with the idea. A jungle theme is a good idea if you want to do something different. You can check more innovative theme options online or ask your guests for some suggestions.

Get creative with holiday food

Your festive menu offers an excellent opportunity to do something unique. Pick a menu that matches the festive occasion. For example, pumpkin and butternut squash are great for the fall, while you can pick peppermint and cranberry for the winter holidays. You can even set up a cookie decorating station and make the process interactive. Rest assured, your guests will love the idea. 

Host a cannabis party

If you have a gang of cannabis-loving friends, a 420-friendly party should definitely be on your festive checklist this season. Hosting one is easy for those living in a legal state as you can buy your stash effortlessly. Decide your menu first as your guests will expect a good variety in edibles. Pick something for the vapers because some consumers prefer only this form. You can check an online vaporizer shop like https://mindvapes.com/ to stock up accessories. Have everything in place for your guests to have a good time, and the party will be a success. 

Change up the seating

Whatever your menu or theme is, you need to get creative with your seating arrangement this year. It is crucial from the social distancing perspective as you have to ensure the safety of your guests. An open layout is an ideal choice. Clear the event space and make sure there is enough distance between guests. But make sure your guests can still interact and have fun.

Surprise your guests with fun games

Get creative with exciting games and activities to spice up your festive gatherings this season. But make sure these games follow the social distancing rules. Choose age-appropriate options to ensure all the guests have a good time. You can pick ideas like dumb charades and scavenger hunts so that everyone can participate. End the party with personalized surprise gifts to make it even more memorable.

The festivities at home this year can get exciting with a little extra effort. Start with the right theme and try these unique ideas to add a personal touch. 

Scott is the editor-in-chief of Spice Market New York. He is also an author and publisher of his own craft.